Autonomous Flight - Nonlinear Control And Swarms

by resema — on  ,  , 

"It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer." Einstein

On-Board Estimation, Nonlinear Control And Swarms

Sensing And Estimation

SLAM - Simultaneous Localization And Mapping Problem

Nonlinear Control

From the earlier posts we saw that we always granted that the movement of the robot is in linear boundaries. But now, we want to extend this assumption and take also high positions and attitude changes into our calculation.

Trajectory Planning

Trajectory planning helps us to plan complex paths in the planar space (projected into it) and then project it back to the 3-D space.

Differential Flatness

All state variables and the inputs can be written as smooth functions of flat outputs and their derivatives.


Or the other way around: The flat outputs and their derivatives can be written as a function of the state, the inputs, and their derivatives.

